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Why become a Member of PRSA Maryland?

Make Connections

  • Tap into our community of 200+ Maryland PR pros and PRSA’s national network of 21,000+ professional and 10,000 student members.
  • Network with peers, employers, job candidates, prospective clients, future partners and media contacts.

Advance Your Career

  •    Learn new skills and gain leadership experience to advance your career.
  •    Receive discounts on educational and networking events, such as webinars, learning sessions, workshops and conferences.
  •    Access free webinars and resources through PRSA National.
  •    Volunteer with other Maryland Chapter members to create resources and plan local professional development and networking events.
  •    Connect with coaching and local support to help you through the accreditation process.

Get Recognized

  •    Maryland Chapter awards celebrate the best PR campaigns in the state, as well as the people behind the work.
  •    We highlight members’ expertise as presenters at our monthly programs and annual conference.
  •    We share member updates through our WebNotes newsletter, e-mail alerts and social media channels.

The Maryland Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America helps public relations and communications professionals stay connected professionally and personally.

Copyright 2024 - PRSA Maryland Chapter