Call for Entries for Best in Maryland 2024
Early Bird pricing rates end January 5th, 2024!
FINAL Deadline extended to February 16th, 2024 at 11:59 pm.
Click here for Categories
Click here on Preparing Your Entries
PRSA Maryland models the Best in Maryland Awards after the PRSA Silver and Bronze Anvils. If you submitted an entry to either of those or for a PRSA NCC THOTH award, your entry can likely be submitted with limited changes to BIM!
The awards competition is open to all public relations, communications and marketing professionals who work in Maryland or who wish to enter projects completed in Maryland or on behalf of a Maryland-based client. Membership in PRSA is not required to enter. A major portion of the entry must have been executed in 2023 – unless noted otherwise in the category description – to qualify.
Entry Guidelines:
Entries are submitted electronically. Please read these instructions carefully. If you have any questions about submitting an entry, please contact the PRSA Maryland office at Entries not adhering to the following guidelines may be disqualified.
To qualify, a portion of the entry must have been executed in 2023 unless noted otherwise in the category description. Projects must be completed in Maryland or on behalf of a Maryland-based client. Membership in PRSA is not required to enter.
What You Need to Submit and Steps for Submitting
Each entry should include:
- Entry Summary and Supporting Materials (uploaded to Dropbox; required for each entry; see details below)
- Completed Entry Application (completed online; you will need your Dropbox URL to complete this)
- Payment Form (if multiple entries, combine on one form)
Step 1: Prepare your entry
- Complete Entry Summary: A concise summary for each campaign or component entry, no longer than two pages, should address the criteria listed under Preparing Your Entries. Prepare your summary carefully, as the judges will review it closely. Entries that do not address the criteria as cited will not be considered!
- Collect Supporting Materials: Supporting materials may include but are not limited to: research results/summaries; photographs; publicity materials; news releases; media placements; letters; audio (CDs) and DVDs (no longer than five minutes); and other samples of planning documents and tactical materials.
Step 2: Submit your entry
- Upload summary and materials to a separate folder in your Dropbox account (see Naming the Folder* below).
- Complete a separate 2024 Online BIM Application for each entry.
- Submit entry(ies) one of two ways:
- Copy the Dropbox or Google Drive folder URL and include on your ONLINE APPLICATION
- Compile your entry into a single pdf and email to (please be sure to complete/submit the ONLINE APPLICATION prior to emailing your entry.)
Step 3: Submit payment for your entry
Pay Here
*Naming the Folder: Label the folder containing your documents and supporting materials as follows: Category_YourCompany_EntryTitle (abbreviate as needed). Example: Website_BlueAgency_RebrandingBaltimore
Early Bird pricing rates end January 5th, 2024!
Final Deadline for award submissions is February 9, 2024 at 11:59 pm.
Special Early Bird Pricing Rates are:
PRSA MD Member:
1st Entry $120
Add’l Entries $100
1st Entry $175
Add’l Entries $155
After January 5, 2024, pricing is as follows:
PRSA MD Member:
1st Entry $140
Add’l Entries $120
1st Entry $195
Add’l Entries $175
Please email with questions about submissions. PRSA Maryland Association Headquarters assumes no liability for the entries.
BIM Categories
BIM Entry Preparation